Saturday, February 16, 2008

Entering information in iFinch via FinchTV, part I

Teaching is a hard habit to break so I teach short courses now and then.

This year, I've been having my students use FinchTV to enter their blast results into iFinch. This also works with FinchLab and other Finch systems, too.

This has been pretty helpful. The data get stored for each chromatogram and we can all view the results (I'll address this part in a later post.)

How does this work?

1. Log in to your Finch account. Open a chromatogram in FinchTV either by clicking the FinchTV icon or the link from the Chromat Read page that says Open in FinchTV.

2. When you're ready to enter information, click the Commit button (outlined below).

3. You'll see a message appear asking if you're sure. Say "yes."

4. Enter the information that you want to store. Since we were using FinchTV to connect to NCBI blast and identify our bacteria, I'm entering the conclusion from my blast results.

5. Then I click the "OK" button.

6. If I refresh my web browser page, I can see that the version number for my read is now at "2", and I can see that my information has been stored in the database.

In a later post, I'll show how we get that information out.

Stay tuned...

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